Games Division

NEW! CRO is excited to announce our new titling division, the CRO Games Division. Entries are open.

Each CRO Game has 5 levels, 2 tracks (Performance and Traditional) with single Q titles at each level. Level 5 is also a Championship. All teams begin at Level 1.

For each game handlers create their own courses using CRO Rally Exercises. Each game has it’s own guidelines document providing full details on rules and course requirements (see below).

NOTE, the last page of each game’s guidelines document provides a level 1 sample entry and demo video.

Ready to play? I bet your dog is!


Do you and your dog have moving positions in addition to Heel/Side? Would you like to showcase them along with your rally skills? Then this is your game!

In Points & Positions, the team must (1) accumulate a minimum number of points and (2) demonstrate a minimum number of moving positions. 

Points are accumulated by correctly performing CRO Rally Exercises. An exercise is considered “correctly performed” if a judge would not deduct more than 3 points if scoring it in a CRO Rally Division entry.

Positions are demonstrated while doing a complete 180 degree turn around a cone or other suitable object (box, chair, etc.). There are twelve positions available in this game: (1) heel, (2) side, (3) come fore, (4) head, (5) toe, (6) parallel (dog in front), (7) parallel (dog in back), (8) between (dog and handler face same direction), (9) between (dog and handler face opposite directions), (10) behind (dog facing handler), (11) behind (dog facing away from handler, and (12) face away (dog in front, facing away from handler). These positions are described on page 6 of the P&P Guidelines.

The minimum requirements for each level are (teams may do more than the minimum):

  • Level 1 = 25 points and 3 different positions 
  • Level 2 = 30 points and 4 different positions
  • Level 3 = 35 points and 5 different positions 
  • Level 4 = 40 points and 6 different positions 
  • Level 5 = 45 points and 7 different positions

For complete rules, please read the Points & Positions Guidelines document which includes a Sample Level 1 Entry and a Points & Positions Demo Video on the last page.


Like cone exercises? You’ll love this game. Like moving in heel/side both forward and backward, and/or in other positions (e.g., come fore)? You’ll love this game.

In each level of Crazy Cones you will perform a required number of cone exercises chosen from any of the five levels of CRO Rally. No cone exercise may be used more than one time in any entry. HOWEVER…cone exercises done entirely in a position other than Heel or Side (e.g., Come Fore) will count as a separate cone exercise. Also, a cone exercise done with the team moving entirely backwards (in Heel or Side position) will count as a separate cone exercise.

Have you created your own cone exercise? Do you have a favorite cone exercise from another rally venue? Great! You may include those as bonus stations.

Non-cone exercises may be included in your course to help you move from one cone exercise to the next.

For complete rules, please read the Crazy Cones Guidelines document which includes a Sample Level 1 Entry and a Crazy Cones Demo Video on the last page.


1-2-3 Ping Pong combines accuracy and speed.

In 1-2-3 Ping Pong, the team performs one or more exercises in between two cones (designated as Cone A and Cone B) spaced apart sufficiently for the team to work in between them. The handler, dog, or both handler and dog will execute a complete 180 degree turn around a cone at certain places during the run. In each individual entry, all turns around the cones must be done by the same team member(s) – handler, dog, or both. Different team members may be used in different entries, but not in the same entry.

The sequence of exercises and cone turns is below. Abbreviations are as follows:

  • E = performance of one exercise
  • CA = 180 degree turn around Cone A
  • CB = 180 degree turn around Cone B

In each entry, at all levels, the sequence is CA, E, CB, E, E, CA, E, E, E, CB.

To qualify, each entry must earn a score of 85 or higher, and must be completed within a certain time limit.

There are three time limit options: Fast, Faster, Fastest. Teams with a physically disabled or very senior member can request a time limit of their own choosing which will be designated as “Special” on the team’s title certificate. 

For complete rules, please read the 1-2-3 Ping Pong Guidelines document (revised July 3, 2024) which includes a Sample Level 1 Entry and 1-2-3 Ping Pong Demo Video on the last page.


In the CRO game of Threes, the team performs exercises in sets of three (a “set”) with the dog (only the dog) doing a 180 degree turn around a cone between each set of three exercises. The sets of three exercises may be done as coupled stations, separate stations, or a combination (two coupled, one separate).

In brief, an entry begins with the team in Heel (or Side) position and the handler sending the dog around the cone (a “send”). After each send, the team performs one set. The team continues alternating between sends and sets until all required sets have been completed. The entry requirements end with one more send. Any optional bonus stations are performed after the last send.

For complete rules, please read the Threes Guidelines document (revised July 08, 2024) which includes a Sample Level 1 Entry and a Threes Demo Video on the last page.


The CRO game of Clusters is all about coupled stations.

At all levels of Clusters you design your own course. At all levels you may include stations from any of the 5 levels of CRO Rally.

In brief, each entry must include the required number of “clusters”. Clusters are sets of rally exercises performed in the same spot, in succession. Each cluster must include a sufficient number of exercises. The requirements for each level are as follows:

  • Level 1 at least 6 clusters with at least 2 exercises per cluster
  • Level 2 at least 5 clusters with at least 3 exercises per cluster
  • Level 3 at least 4 clusters with at least 4 exercises per cluster
  • Level 4 al least 4 clusters with at least 5 exercises per cluster
  • Level 5 at least 3 clusters with at least 6 exercises per cluster

For complete rules, please read the Clusters Guidelines document which includes a Sample Level 1 Entry and a Clusters Demo Video on the last page.


More CRO games are in development and coming soon.

Question? Email (replies are sent within 24 hours) or post in the Cyber Rally-O Facebook group.